STORAGESAVVY (2010-2017)

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  • My Grandfather, the…

    When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time with my cousins and grandparents on my dad’s side.   My cousins and I would go on trips in my grandparents 5th wheel (a 1980’s Hitchhiker II) to Ocean Shores and other places where we’d go fishing or clamming, and generally run around.   Some mornings […] 

  • Has Auto-Correct Gotten So Smart That It’s Now Stupid?

    At first I thought it was just me, but it seems many others are struggling with the same issue.   Several years ago when phones finally had pretty good auto-correct and spell check I felt like it was actually a pretty nice thing to have.   As I typed on my phone with fumbly fingers […] 

  • Quote of the Week

    “To be truly challenging, a voyage, like a life, must rest on a firm foundation of financial unrest. Otherwise, you are doomed to a routine traverse, the kind known to yachtsmen who play with their boats at sea… “cruising” it is called. Voyaging belongs to seamen, and to the wanderers of the world who cannot, […] 

  • Time for a new website!

    Well, I finally got around to building a new personal website.  It’s been a while since I updated the old one, mostly because it was made in Apple iWeb which I no longer have.   One set of content on my old site is quite active (the documents I’ve collected for Cal sailboats) so I […] 

  • Coin Operated Spending Unleashed

    Back on December 20th, 2013, I came across an ad in Facebook (yes I do click some of them) selling the concept of carrying a single payment card for every purpose (key to a slimmer wallet).  It was early in the campaign so the price was $50 instead of the full $100 that it was expected […] 

  • One Month With a Solar Home – 1.82MEGAWatt(hours)!

    Well, it’s been just over a month since the solar system came online.. In the 33 days that the solar system has been online, we’ve generated a total of 1817kWh from the panels.. Due to line losses and differences in measurement intervals and such the PSE Production meter has registered 1724kWh. For the Washington State […] 

  • StorageSavvy is going green! I see the light!

    Through a series of discussions with a friend who was evaluating solar for his home, doing some calculations, and discussing with the local contractor, I bit the bullet last month and got a 9800 watt solar array installed on our house here in the Pacific Northwest.  While pricey up front there are a number of […] 

  • What your Nest could have told you but didn’t

    So you picked up a Nest at the store, or online, because you realized (or thought maybe) that you could save some money on your heating or cooling bills, and/or the possibility of remote controlling your home HVAC from your phone was pretty slick. Now I won’t really spend much time on the energy/cost savings […] 

  • For Sale (Sold)

    1974 MGB Chrome Bumper Roadster – Dark British Racing Green $16,999 Hoyle coilover double-wishbone front suspension / GAZ Adjustable Shocks British Automotive composite spring rear suspension Traction (anti-tramp) control bars / Mantell Motorsports Panhard Rod 1924cc Big Bore engine (83mm) JE Forged 83mm Pistons Kent 717SP Fast Road Scatter Pattern cam / Pertronix Coil […] 

  • Time flies when you’re having fun!

    I can’t believe it’s already been a year and a half since my last post…  I’m sorry for the lack of content here.  Things have been so busy at EMC as well as at home and so much of what I’ve been working on is customer proprietary that I’ve had trouble thinking of ways to […]