Narwhal Wi-Fi Onboard – The most powerful yet simple to install and use Internet communications solution for leisure sailboats on the market
PacMan Cocktail Table – A winter garage project with the kids
WordPress/Maxio-Chargify Billing Portal – WordPress Plugin and other code to create a customer facing user portal to show real-time Chargify (now Maxio Billing) subscription status along with scheduled plan changes and/or upcoming cancellations in WordPress My Account. Also allows for payment method updates, prepaid voucher topups, and access to previous invoices stored in the Chargify(Maxio Billing) system.
Spelunker for EMC ViPR and CoprHD – Syslog Forwarder for ViPR/CoprHD JSON logs. Required to allow for syslog aggregation tools like Splunk to include storage automation actions performed by ViPR/CoprHD
Other Websites Created/Maintained
- Sea-Tech Systems –
- Andersons Abroad –
- Coho Ho Ho –