CTYL Holiday Formal Fundraiser December 1, 2007
REDMOND, WA — CTYL will host its First Annual CTYL Holiday Formal Fundraiser on December 1, 2007. Proceeds from the Formal will go towards CTYL’s 2007 Holiday Shopping program, providing holiday gifts for local children and families in need. Tickets go on sale November 1, 2007, and will be exclusively available via the website. Discounts for CTYL members.
Third Annual CTYL Holiday Shopping To Help Over 50 In Need With Gifts Worth Over $5,000!
I want make sure that everyone I know was invited to our first Annual Holiday Formal Charity Fundraiser. You may know that I am President of a local charitable organization that I founded in 2004 along with several others. Our goal is to provide underprivileged kids in the area with the things they need. We cater specifically to kids 17 and younger who are homeless, poor, or have severe health problems. In the last two years we’ve raised increasingly more funds through annual camping trips, yard sales, holiday parties, picnics, and other events. Because of these events we’ve been able to provide over $5000 worth of Holiday gifts for homeless teens in the area. This year we’ve made it our goal to provide at least $5000 in gifts for over 50 homeless teens and underprivileged families with children. Along with the previous events we’ve had through 2007, the Holiday Formal will be a major contributor to this years giving goals. We’ve sent out mailed invitations to those we had home addresses for but many of our contacts did not contain mailing addresses prompting me to send this email. Please go to the website and sign up for the Holiday Formal Fundraiser. We are holding this event in Bellevue on Saturday December 1st, 2007. There will be appetizers, beer, wine and a silent auction which will feature a Nintendo Wii among other items. If you can attend I personally would love to see you there.
This years beneficiaries are Cocoon House and PSKS (Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets).
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