I used to live, sail and race our of marina Del Rey, many years ago.
I had a cal 20 and then upgraded to a cal 28.
Both were nice boats, the 28 having more room for over night trips.
I raced a bit with those boats bu eventually got into distance racing out of the marina and to Mexico, Hawaii and Tahiti on other peoples larger boats.
Don Wanless
June 15, 2017 at 9:42 pm
I used to live, sail and race our of marina Del Rey, many years ago.
I had a cal 20 and then upgraded to a cal 28.
Both were nice boats, the 28 having more room for over night trips.
I raced a bit with those boats bu eventually got into distance racing out of the marina and to Mexico, Hawaii and Tahiti on other peoples larger boats.
Wish I could go back to to those days.
Don Wanless
June 15, 2017 at 9:48 pm
I actually sailed to Hawaii on the Cal 28 and sold it there. I had a job and did not have the time to sail back.